Corporate Ethics
We are committed to upholding the strictest business ethics. All employees should abide by the highest standards of probity. Any kind of corruption, blackmail or embezzling of company funds is strictly prohibited. All staff in their work should abide by the following principles:
• All staff shall be honest and fair in their dealings with customers and vendors.
• It is strictly prohibited for staff to receive or claim directly or indirectly for gifts, favorable dealings or other special treatment as an abuse of the powers of a position.
• It is strictly prohibited for staff to use the powers of a position to receive or claim directly or indirectly unreasonable interest or other corrupt practices.
• It is strictly prohibited for staff to extort property by the abuse of the powers of a position.
• It is strictly prohibited for any unauthorized use of the name of the company other than in business related matters.
• It is strictly prohibited to embezzle the company’s property for personal interests.