Security Policy

Confidentiality Policy

Any and all information, properties and documents related to business engagements between the company and customers are secured confidential information. To assure our customers of a confidential environment and a trustworthy relationship, all employees who know or obtain any of the confidential information shall protect and hold it in strict confidentiality, and shall not disclose nor disseminate it to any third party unless authorized. For confidential information that an employee does not have a need to know in order to perform their job, the employee shall not make any inquiries nor attempt to obtain such information.

ISMS Information Security Policy

※ISMS:Information Security Management System


• Privacy mark

We have obtained the Privacy Mark, which certifies that we have established a system to take appropriate protection measures for personal information in accordance with the Japanese Industrial Standard "JIS Q 15001 Personal Information Protection Management System - Requirements"

• ISO 27001

Information security is of utmost importance to us, and in order to provide reliable services to our clients and partners, we have obtained ISO 27001 certification, the international standard for a rigorous information security management system (ISMS).